about me

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to look around.

I am Mashrur, a Full-Stack developer, passionate about building excellent software solutions that solve business problems and automate procedures. My journey to this route started as me being a Computer Science instructor and grew a passion to learn more and more about this industry, along with web/software development I also indulge myself in Robotics, Machine Learning, and Audio Production.

JavaScript/jQueryHTML/CSSreact.js/angular.jsReduxNode.js/PHPPythonC++JavaGulp/GruntOAuth/JWT/PassportSASSAdobe XD/FigmaGatsby.jsStrapiWordpressBootstrapMaterial UIGraphQLNext.jsREST APIGraphQL APIWebpackDockerFirebaseHerokuAWS (EC2, S3, DynamoDB)Jasmine/Jest/Mocha/ChaiGit/SVNMongoDB/MySQL/DB2, Sequelize (ORM)NetlifyArduino/RaspberryPIBash Shell ScriptingOpenCV

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